I AM A upcoming music artist that has a lot of to offer and a lot to discuss including my new ep racing clouds that will be launch on all platforms on december 2, 2021. Im hands on with the Commuinty from New York City of the homeless and the voice of the youths, I wanna talk about what I have coming up also what I have been up working on, including this generation of hip hop and R&B how the community is falling apart due to this new generation where real music needs to be heard instead of having so much drill music that is hurting the youths and older adults. They call me lali but my artist name is lali1718 I have music that is out now on all platforms which includes what ive been through as an Spanish West Indian black female that has been harassed too much with the police I do follow the Black Lives Matter and I am very aware that this work need somebody like myself that needs to let the world know that its not ok to let police harass you for being a different type of skin color or even if you are struggle with mental health how things can be different if we can all come together as one and learn from each other. im also working on music videos also im starting to help teach the youths of the community about mental health how a lot struggle in this world including myself i wanna talk to the world and let them now they are not alone and its not a problems to see a therapist I was born and raised in New York City came from queens but was born in Brooklyn.

Link to the latest music

Where are you based?
New York City

How long have you been making music?
4 years

What genre would you consider your music to be?

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?
being around family members that do music.

What are your biggest musical influences?
making a change and talking about real life situations.

Are you signed to a label or are you an independent artist?
im an independent artist

What have been the biggest challenges in your music career?
the biggest challenges ive came across is a lot of people in the industry wants money just to be heard or interviewed.

How many songs or albums have you released to date?
ive released my very first ep and its 5 songs

Can you tell us a few things about your latest release?
my latest release considers me being a female on the come up of music and the trauma or being in New Yorkand what I’ve been through as a teenager until now, the trails and tribulations I’ve over came.

Any plans for new music or upcoming projects we should know about?
I have more music coming out and visuals that Im currently going to do.


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